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Fiber Night

  • Abundance Co-Op 517 South Avenue Rochester, NY, 14620 United States (map)


What is Fiber Night?: So glad you asked.

Every Wednesday from 5:30-7:30pm we meet in the Abundance room to craft and have a good time! Fiber means anything, really - Knitting, Crochet, Embroidery, Spinning, Cross Stitch, weaving, whatever you like! FN is open to absolute beginners just as much as it is to experts. We've got a plethora of experience and are ready to help you with your projects/learning!

Most updates about Fiber Night (cancellations, changes in time, events, etc) will be posted on our instagram (@littlebuttoncraft)


What: Fiber Night - a weekly craft get together for all things fiber: embroidery, cross stitch, knitting, crochet, macrame, weaving, spinning, and much more

Level of Experience Required: Beginner to expert. This is not a place to come get lessons on a particular craft, it is an environment in which you can ask questions about a craft you’re working on and enjoy the experience of those around you.

Requirements: Bring something to sit on and a project to work on (No specific project requirements). Any yarn/thread/material welcome.

Cost: Free

Masking: Masking is strongly encouraged, though not required.

What to Anticipate: We will sit together to work on our own personal craft projects. There will be tables and chairs for you to sit in while crafting.

Parking: Abundance Co Op has a free parking lot. There is free parking along South Avenue, as well as on the side streets surrounding our block. There are also two lots for parking on South Ave. See our interactive parking map for more information.

There are snacks available for purchase in the grocery side of the co-op. You may bring water/a drink with you. Public restrooms are available on site.

Parking: There is free parking along South Avenue, as well as on the side streets surrounding our block. There are also two lots for parking on South Ave.

Check out our interactive parking map

Earlier Event: December 25
Fiber Night