Foodlink Donation!

Foodlink Donation!


Earlier this summer we found ourselves wanting to do another community art window: but this time, we wanted to figure out if there was a way to make it into a fundraiser. And so, Little Button Farms: a crafted food stand was born.

All of the art you see below has been donated by members of our Rochester community (and some sent in from out of state!) to be sold to raise funds for Foodlink NY.

One of their core beliefs is this:
“We believe that the fight against hunger and the fight against poverty are one and the same. We envision a future in which food is recognized as a human right and every person is able to feed themselves and their families in dignity.”

They operate mobile food pantries, pop-up pantries, community education sessions, a community farm, and also operate a Pay It Forward cafe.

With Foodlink NY, one dollar can provide 3 meals to our Rochester neighbors, and in every art listing here we have included how many meals each piece will help fund!

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