For Allison McCue of "Patterns and Lines" the keyword in life is balance. Helping to raise two fierce and independent young girls with Ian Egling (@kittyboxpress) while working part time, finding the time for making art can be a bit challenging. But making time is necessary, not just as an opportunity to still use your imagination (underrated these days for adults) but also as a form of therapy for whatever stresses life throws your way. To get in "work mode" she puts on a hoodie, makes a large cup of ginger tumeric tea and cues up an audiobook, (usually with one or two cats standing by to provide adequate distractions). To keep her brain challenged she rotates between drawing, bookbinding, painting, digital art, printing, and jewelry making. Using geometric shapes, unexpected colors, and nature inspired imagery she creates unique and intricate designs at affordable prices. Her art allows you to briefly pause from your own chaotic balancing act, take a closer look, and start using your imagination.